Amazing Benefits Of Rose Quartz Stone

The covid pandemic has exposed the entire world to new and never before experienced scenario leading to a lot of stress. Self-love, care and compassion are the need of the hour and Rose Quartz Stone helps balance all these emotions effectively.

Rose quartz is typically of pale pink colour. Deeper pink hues of the stone are called strawberry rose quartz while the pale purple ones are known as lavender rose quartz.

Rose Quartz is known as the crystal of unconditional love and has been used since time immortal for healing, protection and meditation. The use of the crystal for beauty treatment dates back to as early as 7000 B.C.  Roman and Egyptian royal women have been known to use the crystal in the form of face masks to get a flawless complexion and prevent wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

The crystal is tender, full of love and compassion and so ripe with its healing properties that it has been a synonym to being a stone for oozing love, rendering joy and a tool for physical as well as emotional healing.

The crystal is said to emit strong positive vibration and boost feelings of calmness and peace.

It has been used to heal relationship issues and to inspire feelings of compassion and mutual understanding.


The rose quartz greatly impacts our heart chakra and has an effect on love in every form not just romantic love. It is widely used for its healing properties when it comes to communication with members of family, relationship with friends and colleagues as well as developing a deeper and long lasting bond with your spouse or best friend.


Along with spelling magic on the soul, rose quartz heals our body too. It not only heals our emotions but actually has an impact on our heart as an organ. Rose Quartz can prevent coronary thrombosis and heart attacks. It enhances the working of the circulatory system and makes our heart muscles stronger!


A boon for would be mothers, Rose Quartz is known to emit fruitful positive energy offering protection to the mother and the developing new born. If you a new mother, the crystal can help you curate deeper bond with your child with a boost to your feminine energy.


We now know how Rose Quartz is so intensely connected to our heart chakra. This makes it a useful tool for helping the heart overcome and heal from the trauma as a result of death or any other emotional wound. The crystal is also said to benefit those who crave more love, compassion or emotional support in their lives. And that is all from within us! The idea is to recognize and feel that love within oneself as you would then see others too feeling and resonating that pure love!



 When used during mediation, Rose Quartz helps balance our thoughts and we attain the feeling of self- love and a blissful state of mind. The Crystal allows positive energy to flow into our body and helps us get rid of the toxic negative energy. This proper channelizing of energy helps us heal from inside. Healing practitioners believe that it’s important that we thank the crystal as we end our meditation practice for the day.

Jewellery –

One of the most beautiful way of attracting joy, love and self -healing is by keeping Rose Quartz close to your skin in the form of jewellery. Bracelets and necklaces made of Rose Quartz not only make a beautiful style statement but also exude oodles of feminine energy and help you feel blissful and loved even in the most stressful times.

As part of Home or Office Décor –

You may want to place the Rose Quartz crystal as part of Feng Shui in your bedroom or office space. This will help attract pure love and positive energy.

As part of your Beauty Regime –

The Rose Quartz crystal not only heals your heart and soul, but also has some amazing benefits when it comes to your skin. That’s the reason why Rose Quartz Skin Rollers are enjoying their spotlight moment with celebrities and influencers vouching their efficacy.


Every time we use the crystal for its healing properties, its needs to be cleaned of all the negative energy build up so that its back to its state of humming positive vibrations. Make sure that you soak your Rose Quartz Crystal in water with some salt so that it retains its pale hue and radiance. You may then clean it in running water safely. The crystal can be also charged by placing it overnight in moonlight. Be wary of keeping your crystal under direct sun as it can lead to fading of the lovely pink hue.

If you are looking to buy authentic Rose Quartz rollers or other natural beauty products, you may want to visit