How often should you use a Jade Roller on your Skin?
It is very tough to escape the entire frenzy that has been going hand in hand with the jade roller. Depending on who you decide to have a conversation with, you will end up with polarizing views regarding these little holistic healing tools. Skincare and by extension the skincare application and tools industry has been growing manifold over the past couple of years. Maybe it was the pandemic, maybe it was just the rise of general awareness, what you must have seen around is a spurt in the jade roller. One search for jade roller online India and you will get hundreds of results regarding the product.
So, before you go down the path of whether you will be wasting money or actually investing when you buy jade facial roller, here is everything you should know about them.
Do Jade Rollers Actually Work?
Now, this is an extremely personal question, in the sense that it’s all relative. If you are aiming to hopefully cure your acne by using a jade roller or even out your wrinkles, then these are all things that sadly will not happen with the help of a jade roller.
However, what does take place with the help of a jade roller is the reduction of puffiness as you increase the lymphatic drainage on your face.
There are sources that will tell you that jade rollers are a great way to improve product penetration, but sadly there are no studies or anecdotes pointing towards that being true, So, if you are expecting extraordinary miracles, don’t.
What people often forget when they talk about skincare is that it is a constant process and no miracles can take place. Consistency is key. Along with of course great technique.
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How Does a Jade Roller Work?
When you look at a roller, you would see that there are rollers on both sides. One small and one big. The big one is meant for your entire face and the small one is for the delicate area situated under the eyes. All of these are created with the help of crystal or other semi precious stones.
As per science, when one uses a jade roller they are creating a light pressure. Thus stimulating blood and at the same time increasing the blood circulation.
Some Benefits of Jade Rollers
Even though I have said that one should not expect miracles, what one can expect is to be able to get certain benefits with prolonged usage.
Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting fluids and toxins from the body. With a jade roller, you give this system a little bit of a push to perform better. When you massage the face and neck you stimulate the lymph nodes, which help drain the fluid from the face.
Puff Free Skin
When you massage your neck and face, all the fluids and toxins are pushed into the lymphatic channels. This allows the lymph nodes to drain them away thus resulting in a firmer and puff free appearance, The results of this are temporary.
What you need to do with this is ensure that you have a proper diet, which by extension will ensure that there is no puffiness to begin with, or even if it is there, it would be minimal.
Improved Circulation
A face massage can go a long way in helping improve blood circulation, which will make your skin appear a lot firmer, brighter and healthier.
Jade rollers are the best way to do so, but on the off chance that you don’t have one. Any kind of massage on the face will help you reach similar effects.
Buy Mini Jade Facial Roller to grow your skin
How often should one use a Face Roller?
It is advised that you use your jade roller about 3-4 times a week. Just ensure that you are consistent with using the roller. As you become consistent, you will definitely see some results.
If you are planning on getting a jade roller, ensure you get it from the best jade roller brand in India. This will ensure that your product will be genuine. Now, this might not be the fountain of youth, but what it is, is a way to relax. So, get a roller and begin your journey today.